To Do List
- Practice Flexbox
- Improve Portfolio
- Practice more animations
- medium open source platform
- Objects
- getters and setters
- Bens vid on classes watch from - 40:00
- Revise Destructuring assignment
- How to use Object Destructuring
- Node Js
- Look Into What React is
- Check out what the spread operator is <...>
- os and fs CORE MODULES
- Continue watching Ben's vid on NPM Intro from 1:22 - files are in this directory [/home/phil/codenation_master_course/practice/introducing-NPM-Node]
- High Order Functions
- Asyncronous JavaScript
- promises
- Async/await
- require
- Node JS
- medium
- Hoisting
- Watch Leons vid on React Tue 24 length 82 from 55:00 (you watched the other and made another project on SSD titled [website-clone]
- Watch Leons video on API fetch-app code along from 1:17:00 (code is on GitHub as [fetch-app] button working and fetching required data
- Publish to do list challenge created using React and publish finised calculator challenge - plus finish 2 other calculator challenge apps
- Research [useEffect] / [componentDidMount / componentDidUpdate] function / class component comparison